(866) 797-2428

What makes our florist websites better?

You ask good questions, we like you already...

We design great looking websites for florists

They Look Great

Because your brand deserves it

Your customers expect you to deliver great designs and so do ours. We provide customized websites that are as stylish as the shop you run.

Modern, classic, elegant, country, chic, luxury - you decide. As long as it looks fantastic, we'll be happy.

Our floral specific websites are optimized for speed

They're Really Fast

Because your customers demand it

Most visitors use a mobile device. A slow website causes frustration and customers simply leave without making a purchase.

Our florist websites are blazing fast, and we continue to invest in our technology so they get faster over time.

Save money with our affordable florist websites

We're Affordable

Because your profits depend on it

We promise not to use words like affordable, economical or inexpensive on your elegant floral website - but they belong on ours.

Some florist website providers take a percentage of your revenue, others have super high upfront costs. We believe we can be both awesome and low cost, and we achieve it.

Need more reasons?

We've got loads, and we add new features all the time

  • Complete control over your online catalog
  • Flexible, easy to use delivery settings
  • Discount codes, sale prices, holiday pricing
  • Beautiful wedding and event galleries
  • Schedule your product categories in advance
  • Google Reviews, Delivery Countdown, and more
  • Integrated blogging - no need for a second site
  • Mobile, tablet and desktop friendly
  • Order notifications via email, fax or text message
  • Real-time credit card processing available
  • HTTPS on all pages, not just checkout
  • Order integration with many POS systems

Search engine optimized

Get found by Google and customers

seo We do title tags, meta tags, alt attributes, friendly URLs, structured data, and more
mobile Our websites work on all devices, passing Google's Mobile Friendly test
local We monitor your local listing for accuracy or create one if you're not listed
speed Our websites are fast, and speed affects your search engine rankings
https We use HTTPS encryption, and Google uses this as a ranking signal

What our florists have to say

Florists really like us, and we're not just making it up!

Margaret and David Pender of Victoria Park Florist
Our website has been a great boost to sales. Customers often compliment us on the look and ease of use. They really notice the difference.
David Pender Victoria Park Florist in Chapel Hill, NC
Laurie Van Ark of B/A Florist
The transition was easy and our new website is very user friendly. Their support is excellent as well. I am looking forward to our web sales growing as they have the last few months!
Laurie Van Ark B/A Florist in East Lansing, MI
Thomas Spedale of Spedale's Florist
I had over 30 specific features that I was looking for. They told me they could build the website, and they did! They are professional, intelligent, and talented.
Thomas Spedale Spedale's Florist in Lafayette, LA

How good is your current website?

It's your business to know this

For every 1 second of improvement, we experience a 2% conversion increase
Walmart Logo
1 second of load lag time would cost Amazon $1.6 billion in sales per year
Amazon Logo
An extra .5 seconds in each search page load would cause traffic to drop by 20%
Google Logo

We've created over 1,000 florist websites

Here are just a few


We're excited to hear from you and will respond as soon as we can.

© Copyright 2025 WebSystems.com. All Rights Reserved. You like to read the fine print, and we like florists with a high attention to detail. We'll make a great team.

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